The wonderful Bill Freedman. Renowned Theatre Impresario with six decades producing in London's West End. Bill now runs Pilates Central in Islington. Core strength helping him forever forwards....

The chain of waste starts with the street collectors on the streets of Amman. The earnings are pitiful, but at least this one is an official collector. It's striking the gracious behaviour of these people when asked for a portrait....

This young lad of 13, a Palestinian refugee, who works by trading recycled goods on the outskirts of Amman stands before his tent. His expression of world weariness appear to defy his tender age....

Independent scrap dealer on outskirts of Amman with various metals for sale. Apparently the profits the fractional –  compared to the UNDP tents....

We learned there was a black market in UNHCR refugee tents, but we didn't know where they were sold. It took three days of painstaking research to finally track down the seller on the outskirts of Amman. His unit was piled high to the rafters...

A bulldozer piles high chicken eggs, many of which were hatching in the blazing sun. Catching a few moments of life, before being extinguished moments later....