Solitary figure in traditional red clothing, contrasts the green landscape...
Solitary figure in traditional red clothing, contrasts the green landscape...
Religion is alive and well here, helping all people working the land. Thankfully the fertility of the soil is exemplary....
Government drives and economic factors are forcing many Karamojan’s to transfer their practices from pastoralism to arable agriculture. We encountered many collectives preparing the soil. Apparently they spread their help in labouring - as each one of the farmers needs help. And so the cycle...
Government drives and economic factors are forcing many Karamojan’s to transfer their practices from pastoralism to arable agriculture. Traditional Ploughing early morning. Adjacent to the borders of the Bokora Wildlife Reserve, on the road from Napak to Abim....
Three Karamojan Pastoralists. After Rainy season they are quick to move livestock to follow greener pasture...
Karamojan Pastoralist moves livestock to follow greener pasture...
Akidi Grace. Office assistant. District services commission. Abim District Council. Karamoja, Uganda...
Traditional pastoralist, Karamoja, Northern Uganda....
Ground nuts held by Market Trader in The Central market in Kotido....