Portrait of Afghani man in traditional nomad hat
Portrait of Afghani man in traditional nomad hat Islamadeen Wahan Jackmaqdeen from the village of Baizambi, Afganistan....
Portrait of Afghani man in traditional nomad hat Islamadeen Wahan Jackmaqdeen from the village of Baizambi, Afganistan....
Maria: General Practitioner, At-Bashi, Naryn District, Krygyzstan. A advocate for using rehabilitation to treat COPD. Part of FRESH AIR Research project, SustainableEarth2018...
Akidi Grace. Office assistant. District services commission. Abim District Council. Karamoja, Uganda...
The Quantock Hills were England's first Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, being designated in 1956. You'll find many different characters enjoying the natural wildlife and traditional hunting to this day....
Martin (Mox) Bjerregaard of D3 Consulting Ltd and DWR. A decommissioning and demolition expert specialising in taking offline oil rigs and nuclear power stations, as well as a UN advisor – Looking rather amused despite the seriousness of his work....
Jennifer Sutherland, co-founder of SCAMP Theatre – now Director of Freckle Productions. Relaxing in West Sussex during a winter walk...
Evening sunlight over the Quantock Hills in Somerset creates a caste of warm hues. A result of Infra red lights rays refracted through earth's atmosphere at the warmer end of the light spectrum....
John Woodhouse: Owner of Dialogue UK. Residential manager, social worker and senior health manager. Extensive experience of managing both children’s homes and child protection investigation teams....
The lovely Skye – happy as ever, enjoying every moment of her Photography Session....
The wonderful Bill Freedman. Renowned Theatre Impresario with six decades producing in London's West End. Bill now runs Pilates Central in Islington. Core strength helping him forever forwards....